Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 5 - Passion

So today there was a very brief post on which said that a lady won an award for a study on the word "the" and how it can cause problems for filing things alphabetically. It amazes me the different things people can write about. I guess when you're passionate about something, you're passionate about something.

I envy that. There have been so many points where I have been inspired by people's books and essays, all the wonderful things they can find so much to write about, but I just don't have that kind of passion towards anything. My interests fizzle out before they can mature and I just end up with a pile of incomplete personal projects.

Otherwise, the only other things I've really been receiving through Google Reader have been the Flickr pictures for the 365libs project and everyone else's blog entries through 23 Things. I keep considering unsubscribing to the 365libs feed because so many pictures get loaded a day and I just find it a hassle as all I really do is have a quick glance and then "mark all as read". But I'll leave it there for a little while longer. At the very least it gives me a bit of a kick on Fridays when Amanda, Lisa and I upload pictures to the 365libs and it comes through my Google Reader :-)

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