Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 4 - Another Reflection

I almost scared myself by thinking that it was the end of the week again and I hadn't done my blog for Week 4 like I had promised. But no, I am saved by the slowness of time (even though lately it feels anything but!)

So I think I'm looking forward to Week 12, as it involves something that I haven't had much experience with (YouTube) and something I'd never even heard of before (SlideShare). At the beginning of this programme I found myself leaping ahead into things I already knew and investigating things I had known of, so I look forward to being able to discover something new in the time that I'm actually supposed to. There is always the possibility that I might jump ahead with those anyway, but that would probably involve me being bored at home and without homework, which won't be for much longer anyway.

Next week we will be getting onto things that I haven't investigated too much on my own yet (PBwiki), so I think I will have a better appreciation now that I will be moving at the appropriate pace. And now that this post will catch me up on the blogging side of it, I must get around to setting aside a designated time for me to blog and investigate the technologies involved with this programme. I think I will use my 23 Things session for the "playing around" side of it, then maybe set aside some time on a Friday afternoon to blog about my week with the technology (my session is on the Tuesday, so I will have had a few days to come up with some opinions of it).

I have been enjoying seeing everyone else's blog entries for this programme. It's very interesting to see the different styles of so many people in the same profession - just one of the many things I love about library people. Especially here at Murdoch and other University Libraries - there is an entire world in this one place and an entire set of diversities to fill it.

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